

Career Lattice: A Modern Path to Professional Growth

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Mapping out and developing a career can be a complex and sometimes confusing journey. Gone are the days when career advancement meant solely climbing up the corporate ladder.

The world has moved on, and the old system of an employee progressing along their original career path by climbing up the corporate ladder is over.

The career lattice has replaced the outdated career ladder. Read More

Gamification and Employee Engagement: Boosting Workplace Performance

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Engaged employees are key to creativity and productivity, but compensation alone doesn’t guarantee engagement. Employees need more than benefits, bonuses, and company swag to commit to their employers fully.

This is well-known, by this point, and there have been a lot of innovative ideas to boost morale and increase employee engagement levels.

That new idea is gamification.

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When a Candidate Gets a Counter Offer

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As the job market has heated up, counteroffers have become a routine tactic to retain talent. A counter offer is usually an ego boost for the employee, and the salary increase can be very tempting. But employees who accept a counter offer often regret their decision.

According to a Society for Human Resource Management study, accepting a counteroffer can harm an employee’s career.

The study found that almost 60 percent of hiring managers agree that any employee can be replaced, and 45 percent said they perceive counteroffers negatively. And employees who accept counteroffers are often viewed as disloyal or untrustworthy, making it difficult for them to advance in their careers.

Worse than that, candidates who accept counteroffers from their current employers likely have burned a bridge with the company that wanted to hire them. Read More

Contract Employee: Maximizing Efficiency and Flexibility in Your Workforce

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After years of economic upheaval, we face a serious talent crunch. A historically low unemployment rate has given employees the upper hand in recruiting, and they now have many more options in their choice of work.

Increasingly, many workers have turned away from the traditional mold of full time employees and work as contractors.

Contract workers offer specialized skills and expertise to companies and organizations for specific projects or set timeframes to meet a company’s needs.

Contract workers and contract employment are now so common that the trend has a specific name – the gig economy. The gig economy has been great for companies because it keeps them agile and responsive to changes in the industry.

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Underperforming Employee: Effective Strategies for Improvement

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In today’s competitive business environment, organizations must have employees who perform to their full potential. It can be frustrating when employees underperform and disrupt production and morale.

Employee performance issues must be addressed quickly before they distract from the company’s success.

To effectively manage underperforming employees, it’s necessary first to identify the signs of underperformance. Understanding the causes of these issues is the next crucial step, as it enables leaders to take an informed approach to addressing performance problems.

Developing a performance improvement plan, supporting employee growth, and continuously monitoring progress is essential to managing underperforming employees, ultimately benefiting both the individual and the organization.

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AI Recruiting Tools: Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition and Management

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As technology continues to advance, AI recruiting tools have emerged as powerful allies for HR professionals and recruiters in their quest to find the best talent and ideal candidates.

Utilizing artificial intelligence, these tools streamline and optimize the recruitment process, saving time and resources for hiring teams while helping employers make informed decisions.

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Why Onboarding Should Include Performance-Based Assessments: Enhancing Employee Integration

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The days before starting a new job are exciting and stressful. Among the tasks a new employee has in front of them is figuring out where they will fit into their new team and within the company structure in general. New employees must also be sure they fully understand their duties and how they can help the company while advancing their careers.

Companies can ease the transition to a new position and make things less overwhelming by using one simple tool.

An employee assessment. Read More

Using Employee Assessments to Track Employee Development

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A company’s greatest asset is the talent of its employees. From new graduates just starting their careers to senior leaders, every employee contributes something to their employer.

Having strong, engaged employees is the key to building a successful business. Engaged employees help a business remain competitive and adaptable to the ever-changing market.

Engaged employees don’t just don’t walk into work one day. Companies need to earn employee engagement, and one of the best ways to do that is to help employees to develop their skills.

Skill development benefits both companies and employees.

By focusing on developing technical skills and soft skills, employees become more capable professionals, and companies can increase productivity, reduce turnover, and develop a culture of continuous learning and development. Read More

How To Design Performance-Based Questions For Exams

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Transitioning from multiple choice questions (MCQ) to performance-based certification (PBC) with performance-based questions isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

Tech leaders who have already made the switch—Google, SUSE, and Chef—are enjoying benefits like trustworthy channel-partner relationships, greater brand recognition, and increased sales opportunities.

The process of creating PBC questions is surprisingly similar to that of MCQ. However, there are some key differences that hiring and certification managers should familiarize themselves with before getting started.

In this article, we’ll outline what those things are and why they matter. We’ll start with performance-based interviewing, then move on to on-the-job exams and certifications. We’ll also discuss why mentally preparing subject matter experts early on is vital to growing a successful certification program.

Let’s get started:

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